Cranial Release therapy is a gentle and effective way of restoring healthy communication between your brain and your body.

Cranial Release craniosacral therapy - Ithaca, NY - Dr. jaclyn borza maher

Cranial Release craniosacral therapy - Ithaca, NY - Dr. jaclyn borza maher

Your craniosacral system houses your brain and spinal cord, which makes up your central nervous system and controls almost every function in your body. Your central nervous system is heavily influenced by the structures and fluid that surround, protect and nourish it. When joints in the cranium jam, it creates a reflex which impacts muscle tone, strength and coordination throughout the body. Releasing tension points in the cranium helps alleviate muscle tension throughout the body, provides pain relief and results in healing. The manipulation of the cranium is performed with gentle stretching of the cranial joints or sutures. Patients of all ages, from newborn babies to the elderly, find this technique helpful for a range of conditions and very calming.